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Online Series
Take a look at information and content we created during our year online.
(2020 - 2021)

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The Surface

This online series is developed and hosted by SDSCPA students with an inherently youthful lens.  Global issues and topics relevant to current SDSCPA campus life are discussed.

View show archives and episode content here! 

College & Conservatory

There are many options for students interested in an Arts focused college education.  Do you know what schools are out there, and which might have the best program for you?

Check out the College & Conservatory Archives to learn about some of the offered arts programs, or suggest a school you're interested in for future episodes!

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Salon Series

What does an arts-based career look like?

What does it take to be a professional in the Arts?

View our Salon Series Archives for interviews with artists from all walks of life as they talk about their passion for living a life of creative success!

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